Happy Birthday, Godparents!

Submitted by Eliana on Sat, 02/06/2010 - 7:05pm

My godparents, Adam and Leah, both had birthdays this week. I wanted to wish them a happy birthday. William wanted to get in on the videotaping, too. He can be so silly sometimes! He's been especially goofy tonight since he got back from his friend William N's birthday party at Space Aliens. What a great week for birthdays! I hope you like our video.

Busy morning

Submitted by Eliana on Thu, 01/28/2010 - 10:13am

It's only 9:30 and we've already had a busy morning. Sometimes I'm not even out of bed this early. But today I had my two-year doctor visit before William even went to school. I put on my own shoes while Mommy helped William with his. I packed my Elmo backpack with my baby while Mommy put William's homework in his. Then Mommy helped me with my coat and hat while William put on his. We were all ready to go.

We got to my doctor's office in plenty of time. I was a model patient. I laid very still for weighing and measuring. I was 31 1/2 inches (4%) and 22 1/4 lbs (3%). I let the doctor check me all out. She's very nice. She thought it was time to find another doctor to check out the bump on my wrist since it seems to be growing with me rather than getting smaller. So I'll have another doctor appointment sometime, but it's no hurry. The bump doesn't hurt and it's not in the way. We'll just get a more expert opinion about if and when it should come out. Other than that, and William crying because Mommy took his toy motorcycle when he wouldn't stay in his chair, it was an uneventful visit. My ears are clear and I'm all done with shots until I'm five!

But I did have to go to the lab for a blood draw. First we took William to school. He was a little late, so he had to check in at the office first. We watched him go in, stop in the office, and then head right to his class. My brother can be so grown up and responsible sometimes! Mommy says I should tell him what a big girl I was at the lab. I got a little owie and the lady squeezed some drops of blood out of my finger. I just watched intently the whole time. I was so engrossed in the process I even drooled a little. The drool was kind of funny and made me smile :) I was so brave that the lady dug through the stickers to find the sparkliest Elmo sticker she could give me.

She created a little reading nook for herself

As soon as we got home, I asked Mommy for Dora. I love watching Dora and would watch it all the time. I thought Mommy was happy that I liked tv, but now she's always saying "no" and "enough tv." I wish we could play movies on the tv all day long. But Mommy won't. So sometimes I go up to my room and read or I push my babies in their strollers. Right now, though, I think she'll let me watch Dora since I haven't yet today. Off I go!

Eliana's Birthday Balloons

Submitted by Sara on Fri, 01/08/2010 - 10:18pm

One of Eliana's grandpas (Poppops) looks a lot like Santa Claus, which was a little confusing to her this year. So when she got balloons for her birthday from Grandma and Grandpa, she insisted they were from Santa Claus. Really, what's the difference? :)

Happy Birthday to me!

Submitted by Eliana on Thu, 01/07/2010 - 2:18pm

"Happy Yo Yo!" Today I am two years old! Mommy and I had a fun morning playing at Toys R Us. I helped pick out my birthday gifts - a diaper bag for my babies and a Dora book about sharing (is Mommy trying to tell me something?) But the best thing I got was a [free] balloon! I love balloons! I can spy them anywhere. My balloon and I also got to ride the horsey before we left Toys R Us - "Yeehaw!" Then I spent the whole drive across town saying "balloo, balloo, balloo, balloo, Happy Yo Yo..." Our next stop was McDonald's, or as I like to call it, "E-I-O." I was hungry and telling Mommy, "eat." After I ate my cheeseburger and fries, I got to play. I climbed up the climber a little ways, but it was a too intimidating without my big brother. Mommy came and showed me the way out. Instead I stayed in the toddler play area where they have balls to throw, a tunnel to crawl through, and a little slide, which was my favorite part. I didn't want to leave, not even to go see my "balloo." But I was happy to see it when we got to the car. And I loved my Dora book that we read before my nap. After all that fun, I was tired and ready for a rest!

I did it!

Submitted by Eliana on Sat, 01/02/2010 - 9:08pm

I'm a big girl!

We are all very proud at my house tonight! I peed in the potty for the first time! I was in my room after my bath, running around naked. I ran over and shut my bedroom door, which was a mistake. Because then I felt like I needed to go potty, but Mommy wasn't listening when I asked her to "oka" the door. Instead she wanted me to come put my pajamas on. And that's when the pee started coming. It made some dribbles on my carpet, so then Mommy finally opened the door. We went to the potty and I put the rest in there! Then I asked Mommy to read Baby Baluga like we always do when I sit on the potty. Afterward I flushed my pee down the toilet! It was very exciting!


Submitted by Eliana on Tue, 12/29/2009 - 6:38pm


Today Mommy brought me and William to see the big T-rex, Sue, at our local history museum. At first I was a little scared. I liked the big dinosaur in the Night at the Museum movie that we watched while we were in Arkansas. But up close in real life, I wanted Mommy to hold me. After a while, I decided that the dinosaur wasn't going anywhere and I could get down, run around, and play with the exhibits. It was very cool to see a "Raow" in real life. We got to touch some bones, see how parts of the dinosaur moved, and try seeing and smelling like a dinosaur. We had lots of fun and learned some things, too!

Three kids in a clamshell

You might be wondering how my Christmas was. I had fun in Arkansas visiting all the family there. Santa Claus brought me a car seat for my "baby!" I also loved the little "wind"-up hopping bug that was in my stocking. Parker and I both loved the little Dora house that Mommy and Daddy gave me.


Unfortunately, I got a really bad cold while we were there. I didn't get to go to baby Jack's baptism when we got back to Minnesota. But my fever stayed away that whole day so I could go meet him at dinner. I was very excited to see "Jack Jack."

PS. Mommy found a bunch of old pictures on her cell phone when she took off the Sue pictures, so she added them to the December album.

My Happy Christmas with the gift I wanted... a Nerf gun!

Submitted by William on Mon, 12/28/2009 - 2:02pm

My ladybug ornament crawling around me in circles

At Grandma Lanz's for Christmas, I got to open my presents. The first present I opened was for Bill (that's me) and from Uncle Joe. Joe calls me Bill. And I opened it and it was a Nerf gun! And then I said to Joe, "How did you know I wanted a Nerf gun?!" And the next present I opened was from Grandma and Grandpa. It had a pop-up human body book and it was really cool! It had all sorts of human body parts! And it was really, really, really, really cool. And the box had a Rockband shirt and cool pants in it too. The shirt and the pants were really, really, really cool too!

It looks like I have a grass hula skirt on

In Arkansas for Christmas, we spied on the parents. We were pretty sneaky until Christmas. Hannah came over on Christmas (not my neighbor Hannah, it was a different Hannah) and each time she looked, we screamed and ran back into our hiding spot. It was really fun! Tap, look, scream, "Aaaaaah!" run. We stayed there for five days! That was for the first time of Christmas, not the way first time. The way first time of Christmas would be when I was a baby. The end. That's a true story.

One Happy Girl!

Submitted by Sara on Wed, 12/16/2009 - 9:32pm

Eliana is still in love with the Raffi song, Baby Baluga. Her new favorite word from the song is "happy" so she spent a good chunk of her day jumping and dancing around the house singing "happy!" Enjoy this video of our happy girl :0)

I kept my diaper dry!

Submitted by Eliana on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 10:18pm

Yes, I did! I kept my diaper dry! But, boy, was my bed wet.

I like to sit on the potty at my house, at school, at the store, anywhere really. I have yet to actually produce anything while sitting on the potty.

I like to remove my own wet diapers. Mommy tells me to have her help with the poopy ones. She's also now asked me to remove my diapers in the bathroom rather than in my crib.

It happened... she tried changing her own poopy diaper. Thankfully, she went up on her bed and had a helpful big brother who informed us what was happening right away. To her credit, we were busy cleaning up from dinner, so she was really just trying to be helpful. If she'd only skip the diaper changing and go on the potty, we'd be very pleased :)

The Five Little Mumans*

Submitted by William on Sat, 11/28/2009 - 11:41am

We were having fun at Grandma Barb's house. Who was there is Tiernan, Caedmon, Brayan, Ariella, Auntie Dawn and Nathan. We played outside first. We played football outside and a war outside. Then we had a fight outside. Hi-ya! Then we went by the river and throwed sticks and pinecones, plinks** and rocks in the river. Tiernan went out with me, Dad, Grandpa Ron and Nathan to the river. Then we had to come in before it was dinner time. Dinner was a big hit! We jumped on the bed in the closet [Leah's old bedroom]. We took our shirts off because we were monkeys. We were humans, really. You'll see the video of us jumping on the bed after this blog.

The end. That's a true story.

*NOTE: Mumans are monkey-humans
**NOTE: Plinks are little tiny rocks that say "plink" when they land in the water