We finally met the boyfriend

Submitted by Adoption on Sat, 01/05/2008 - 8:03pm

Lots of great milestones today...

We met Dani's boyfriend. He seems nice enough. He was a little reserved and I couldn't think of much to ask him because I felt like I already knew everything about him. Dani talks about him all the time. But it was good to hear from him in person. We ate lunch at Fuddruckers in Maple Grove. William had a great time because they had video games. He played up his four tokens and then was happy as a clam pretending to drive the boat while the grown-ups talked.

Our first meeting almost ended up happening at the hospital! Dani was concerned that her water had broken. They went in at midnight to have tests run. The tests came back negative, so they sent her home at 4am. But she got a bit of good news - she was dialated a centimeter! So progress has been made. From what she described, it's hard for everyone to believe that her water didn't break. We are hoping to get a call soon. If not, maybe the doctor will schedule an induction at her Tuesday appointment since she's now dialated.

Pumping total: 865 oz