Goodbye Nuk-er!

Submitted by William on Thu, 01/25/2007 - 9:21pm

Today I'm a grown up! After I got up from my nap, I threw my nuk-er in the garbage. It had a hole in it and had been making loud squeeking noises for a couple of days. I didn't really like that very much and we were talking about it being almost time to throw it away. Then today the hole was pretty big and it was getting kind of gross inside. So Mommy asked if I was ready to throw it in the garbage and I did! Mommy and Daddy were proud! And I was proud! When it came time for bed, I looked for my nuk-er just like I always do when I lay down, but it wasn't there. That made me really sad. I had a hard time lying down in bed. I was so grief-stricken that I bumped my head on the rails of my bed. I couldn't calm down until Mommy brought me a Dora Band-aid to put on my head. Then I settled right in and went to sleep. I think I heard Mommy tell Daddy as I was falling asleep that they will have to go out and buy more Dora Band-aids.