Our Trip to Arkansas

Submitted by William on Sun, 06/05/2011 - 4:17pm

Look at the map. Do you see that thick line? That's where we went. We went from Minnesota to Arkansas. Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, and then Arkansas! Here's some facts about the states that are in the middle, which are Iowa and Missouri. Here are the facts:
#1 When we went to Iowa, we stayed at a hotel.

#2 When we were done with Missouri, it was only a little ways to go to get to our cousins' house.

Vroom-vroom! We're at our cousins' house! They are outside playing! I'll go play on the playground. I'll swing on the swing. Whee!

It's time to go to bed. Zzzzzzzz.

It's morning! I'll go have breakfast. I'll have rice krispies. Yum! Parker wakes up the earliest in his family. I wake up when Parker does.

I like their dog, Bella. I like Jordan, too. Jordan is the nice kitty, Lilly is the mean kitty. You can tell which one is Jordan by her color. Jordan is gray and Lilly is black, white, and light brown.

Let's go outside! Auntie Leah is making a happy place out of a box. We can go in it all the time. We'll color it - chht, chht, chht. (That's the sound of the markers.) The markers are red, black, pink and dark pink/hot pink.

Parker has a birthday party. I get a ball and a squirt gun. We eat cake outside and swim in their hot tub and pool and we play with our squirt guns.

Now we are going fishing. My dad and I first put a cricket on the hook. We catch nothing! We put a worm on it. We catch a fish! Abi pretends to be fish duty - she is watching for fish. Faith is on bait duty - she is giving bait to everybody. I am on fish duty, too. I saw a fish, but nobody caught it. And then dad catches another fish! Two fish now. We see a water snake! It is swimming by the rocks. My uncle John tries to catch it, but first he didn't catch it. Then he wrapped the line around its neck, but he didn't catch it. Too bad. We dump the two fish out and go back to our cousins' house.

It's time to go home. We bring Abi. She sleeps over at our house for one night. And then between 9 and 9:30 Grandma Barb gets here to pick up Abi and brings her to her house.

We go see Abi and go on a boat ride and swim in the Mississippi River. P.S. Eliana calls it the Mississippi Lake.

The end. That is a true story... and long story.