5 years ago

Submitted by Sara on Thu, 08/20/2009 - 3:31pm

Happy Birthday to you!

Five years ago I gave birth to this big boy who was big even then. It's been a blast being his mom and I look forward to the years to come, a whole new adventure now that he's starting school.

We've been trying to make today a very special day for him despite the busy-ness of a typical Thursday in our household, with the addition of vacation bible school. Several "Happy Birthday" songs and a few candles can make any day great. But the best was the first present he opened, a transformer that he's been wanting all summer! That should keep him entertained until he gets to dinner at Chuck E Cheese (shhh... it's still a secret). He's been asking to go there for the longest time. Today was the perfect opportunity since Darren's in the cities for work and I have to go to Maple Grove to meet some friends for dinner! As luck would have it, this also coincided with his birthday! It sure seems meant to be!

Sunday we will put his aunts, uncles and grandparents through the paces during his Survivor themed birthday party. He's been planning the challenges all year, so it should be fun! We'll see if they'll indulge us with some pictures :)