Big changes!

Submitted by Sara on Thu, 09/18/2008 - 1:29pm

We've had quite a month so far! Starting with getting a new roof and my getting a new job, that shook up our life. And just when the roof was finished and we were getting used to the relative silence at our house again, another work crew started on our siding and the banging started up again. It was a rather long process since the crew consisted of two guys, but the end result was worth it. We really love the new color. It looks like it was always meant to be this color. I posted a picture so you'll recognize our house next time you come over :) We weren't sure if we were going to need to repaint the front door after the new siding was up, but Darren and I agree that we both still really like the blue door. We're glad, since we have been much busier lately and would rather not spend time painting.

We LOVE our new house color! It looks like it was meant to be. The new shingles look great, too!

First we had a fun weekend that resulted in a new aunt/sister-in-law added to the family, as you saw in William's blog. Then I started teaching Monday and Tuesday nights and William started school Tuesday thru Thursday mornings. If you ever want to come hang out with Ellie for a couple hours on a Wednesday morning, let me know and I'll pencil you in on the calendar. That's the day of William's parent-child class and we would like to have someone hang out with Eliana so Darren can get some work done. We've been cycling through a lot of helpers with all workshop and orientation days this month. Thank you to Grandma Barb, Grandpa Ron, Grandma Lanz, Great-aunt Pam, neighbors Jessie and Hannah, and our great babysitter, Cousin Ivy. Now we've had enough excitement. It will be so nice to settle into our new fall routine! Oh, and I almost forgot one other change! We're doing dishes by hand these days. It's not so bad, especially when the dishwasher was junk to begin with. We may put in more cabinets rather than a new dishwasher ;) But seriously, we need to wait for some checks from homeowners insurance and ING adoption assistance before we can think about another big purchase.