My New Job

Submitted by Sara on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 5:35pm

Today was my first day going in to my new job! I had new staff orientation with the director of the early childhood program in Sauk Rapids. I was inundated with papers, manuals, curriculum, building details, and there's still more where that came from. Thankfully I've been a part of this program with William for the last three years and I did my student teaching there last fall, so it wasn't all brand new information. This made it possible to digest. My mentor is the same teacher I student taught with, so I know she'll be a great help when I have questions.

I suppose it's a little belated to mention now that I did get the job. I got a call from the director a week and a half ago. She was happy to be calling, not to schedule an interview, but to offer me a job! I had interviewed with them last summer, but wasn't licensed at the time. This year I was the only applicant as they posted the position for just a short time internally and called to encourage me to apply. It feels great to know that everyone is looking forward to having me on the team. It's an awesome program with a phenomenal staff, so I have a lot to live up to!

I will be teaching two parent education sessions two nights a week. Both will be groups of parents of 4 and 5 year-olds, so it's a great age level for me to start off with. Not only will I have my own 4-year-old who is in the program, but I also taught kindergarten for seven years, so I know what's coming up for these families. I have some work ahead of me now! It's pretty exciting!