From San Francisco

Submitted by Sara on Sun, 06/13/2010 - 12:14am

I'm signing in from San Francisco. Our 13th anniversary is in two days and this year Darren had the opportunity to plan our trip. I was surprised when he handed me a boarding pass for a flight to San Francisco after we arrived at the airport.

We've had the most amazing weather here this week. It was perfect for a wine tour in Napa Valley yesterday. Today we enjoyed a gorgeous hike in Muir Woods to experience the majestic redwood forest. In between times we've enjoyed walking the streets of San Francisco: Chinatown, trolley cars, Fisherman's Wharf, and the farmer's market. Tomorrow we're thinking of visiting Golden Gate Park. But we also have to switch hotels, which will be sad because the Omni has been wonderful! Darren has a conference starting on Monday at our new hotel, so hopefully it will be half as nice as this. I'm not expecting a rose from the doorman, complementary coffee and juice at my door in the morning, or champagne in the evening. I'll just enjoy those things while they last.

I've overheard quite a few funny things since we've been here. Many of which came from some Aussie friends we met on the wine tour. That was "full on!" But the two that stick in my memory the most were these:

In the Muir Woods, a group of three adults sat down on a bench to eat, which you are not supposed to do in the woods. One woman made sure to tell her friends, "Don't feed the animals!!!" The other loudly replied, "What animals?!? I haven't seen any animals!" (Darren and I had seen a chipmunk, a mother deer and her two fawns during our quiet stroll.)

Last night, as we were walking back to the hotel along the piers, a large mob of inline skaters and a few mountain bikers zoomed past us with music blaring. There continued to be a few stragglers as we continued on our walk. We were getting pretty tired and could empathize with those skaters who were lagging behind. But about a half hour after the first of the skaters passed, one lonely guy walked by pushing a bike and talking on his cell phone saying, "It's a lot farther that you'd think!"