
Submitted by Sara on Tue, 02/24/2009 - 3:13pm

It's been fun to see the sibling relationship evolve between William and Eliana. They really love each other, as you can see in the pictures. They usually play very nicely together. But of course, there are times when William wants to play something without Eliana getting into it. This doesn't go over too well with Ellie. Today I had to laugh when I heard William tell Eliana to "Go away and stay there!" and "Do something else!" in response to her knocking over his bowling pins. She handled it well. Often she'll cry when William scolds her. She really just wants to play with him. Luckily she is getting more careful with things. Yesterday she wouldn't even knock over William's castle when he told her to! And she is more gentle with paper books that would've been shredded just a couple weeks ago. This is very nice because it's getting harder to keep things out of the reach of our tall, nimble girl who wants to play with anything as long as is not her toy. William has definitely been learning patience and problem solving skills!